Last week, I had the opportunity to hear Jim Cederna speak. The majority of Jim’s talk focused on his fundamental approach to change.
Executive Summary:
Financial Success comes from two places:
1) Ecstatic Customers
2) World Class Operations
How do you achieve those?
1) With a Plan
2) The right People
3) Productive team environment
The talk went into great details on the 3 P’s and many awesome examples were given.
Thanks Jim!
Ok, so here’s the deal. Many of you may or may not know, I struggle with the “people” part of the equation. (When I say people, I am talking about the team, not customers) Its the truth, I am not going to deny it; some people say I have a harsh(er) delivery than most. I never fluff reality; I get straight to the point. Last week my “a-ha” moment came when Jim suggested that we lead our team with strengths and surround our self with the opposite. What a simple idea!! Two Chris’s in the same office would be a challenge. This got me thinking, what are Chris Farmand’s strengths? I came up with: Caring, Charmer, Listener, Selling, Comforter, Witty, Clever, Sees the world from 30k feet, Energy cultivator.
So here it is people………..
I am a energy farmer looking to align myself with people who can process energy into RESULTS.
Can ya feel me?
ps: We are hiring
pss: Share your strengths below